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How to Stretch New Shoes

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You've just purchased some great new shoes, but they're a bit too tight. The retail assistant tells you to "Just stretch them out!" Okay, genius, but how? As long as your shoes start out fairly close to the right size, you can generally stretch them a little. Here's how.

edit Steps1Try some traditional home-grown shoe stretching remedies. There are a few things you can do at home to stretch your new shoes.Wearing in: Wear the shoes in at home. Put on the shoes and move around in them on and off over a few days. Don't do this if it's painful, and only try this if the stretching needed is minor. It should work within a day or two; if not and it's uncomfortable, don't force yourself to keep walking around in shoes that are too tight.Freezing shoes (leather, pleather, fake leather, etc.): Fill a hole-free sealable sandwich bag or similar plastic bag about one third to halfway with water and seal, one bag for each of your shoes. Place a bag inside each shoe and push into place so that it fits the inner shoe completely (be sure it fits right to heel and toe). Place your shoes in the freezer and let them sit until it freezes, or overnight. The water in the bag will turn to ice and expand into your shoes. Remove from the freezer and leave to thaw for about 20 minutes before trying to remove the bags. Try the shoes on again to see how the shoes fit and repeat if needed. It's recommended that you don't use this method on expensive shoes.Thick socks and heat: Put on thick socks and squeeze your feet into the shoes (leather only). Heat the tight area of the shoes using a hairdryer and bend your feet back and forth as much as you can for 20-30 seconds. Remove the heat source but leave the shoes on until cooled. Try the shoes on with your normal socks or stockings. Repeat until the shoes have stretched enough. Once stretched, apply leather shoe conditioner to restore the moisture that might have been depleted by the heat.[1]Damp newspaper: Scrunch up wet newspaper and stuff it into your shoes. Stuff in as much as the shoe will fit but be careful not to distort the shoe shape when using this method; if the shoe appears distorted, remove newspaper until it looks a good shape again. Leave to sit until the shoes dry. Remove the newspaper and try on the shoes. There should be more give. (Note that this method can also include freezing the shoes for added expansion.) Wet socks can be substituted for newspaper.Oats or grain: Try this old cowboy trick for leather boots. Fill your boots with oats (or any grain that swells up when wet). Pour in enough water to cover the grain. The grain will swell overnight. Then wear them for a few days until your feet get adjusted and the boots become dry.Rubbing alcohol spray (home-made shoe stretcher): Make a spray of 50 percent rubbing alcohol and 50 percent water in a spray bottle. Spray the inside of each shoe and wear for about 20 minutes.[2] An alternative to this is to simply rub alcohol directly onto the parts of the shoe requiring stretching; put the shoe or boot on while still wet, as the alcohol will dry quickly. Another variation is to take a pair of cotton socks, soak them in rubbing alcohol and squeeze out the excess. Then put on the socks and wear with the shoes until the alcohol dries. Repeat several times if necessary.Potato: Peel a potato and push it into the shoe overnight.[3] Make sure it is large enough to create a small bulge in the shoe. Potatoes do not smell bad (they actually trap odor), and any potato residue left over will easily wipe off with a damp cloth.2A shoe stretcher A shoe stretcherUse a shoe-stretcher on leather shoes. A shoe stretcher is shaped the same as a foot and is usually made from wood, such as cedar or maple, with screws and adjustments that help to stretch the shoe.[4] Look in closet sections of hardware or organizational stores, or check out garage sales and thrift stores. A shoe stretcher can adjust width or length (check its ability when purchasing) and will fit in either the left or right shoe. Known as "dry stretching", using a shoe-stretcher can take several days for it to have an effect; check the fit every now and then.Some shoe stretchers include little buttons you can insert into holes for localized stretching, for example to fit over an area with a bunion or corn.Use a shoe-stretching spray or oil in conjunction with the shoe-stretcher. You'll find the spray or oil at shoe stores, shoe repair shops, and wherever you purchased the shoe-stretcher from and it's affordable. The spray or oil will help to make the shoe material a little more supple, helping it to stretch evenly and speeds up the process.3Go slowly, and be patient. Stretch the shoes a little bit, then try them on, then stretch the shoes some more. The reality is that shoes, like clothes, are made to approximate general size and shape. It is still up to each individual to break in or mold the shoe to fit her or his particular foot shape, and provided the shoe isn't impossibly tight, wearing the shoe regularly and gradually for more and more time is the most effective method for stretching it.Always purchase your shoes well in advance of when you need to wear them so that you have adequate time to break them in, especially for dances, proms, and weddings.4Take your shoes to a professional for stretching. Some shoe repairers have machines that can gently apply pressure and heat to shoes to stretch them a little. The preciseness and ease of using this service can be well worth the effort and cost, especially for expensive or delicate shoes. Expect it to take around 24 hours.5Choose shoes that fit in future. As much as possible, choose shoes that already fit and don't need stretching or don't need very much stretching. Ensure this by:Having your feet measured if you haven't lately, especially if you've gained weight, have been bedridden, or pregnant. Feet are three dimensional, and all measurements should account for not only length but width and depth as well.[5]Measuring both feet. Your feet may not be quite the same size; indeed, most people have one foot slightly larger than the other,[6] and some people experience a half to a whole size difference between feet.Trying the next size up if a pair is a bit too tight, even if you think you normally wear a certain size. Sometimes proportions vary between manufacturers and the only way you can tell is by trying on the shoes.Checking the sizing standard for your shoes. That is, is it European, UK, or US. Is it men's or women's? Even if multiple size standards are listed, there's not a strict correspondence between US and European shoe sizes, so if you're used to one and not the other, try on the nearby sizes.Asking about half sizes and multiple widths. Not all shoe stores carry them, but the good ones do.Buying shoes in the second half of the day, when your feet are at their most swollen after walking and standing on them during the day.[7]6Find comfortable shoes to begin with Find comfortable shoes to begin withChoose stretchy shoes. As a rule, real leather is more conforming and has more give than synthetics such as plastic, PVC, etc. If the shoe is synthetic, be sure to purchase it in the right size from the start as it's unlikely to have any give; indeed, the point of such materials is often that their molded shape has no give and endures. Be careful with fabric shoes, as any stretching might weaken the fibers.Shoes with an elastic gore will be stretchier. An elastic gore is an elastic fabric panel inserted into a shoe.Different leather has different stretchability. Kangaroo leather is considered to have more stretch than cow leather, for example.[8]There's a limit to how far shoes can reasonably stretch. If you just need to loosen things up a little around the toes, you'll have better success than if the whole thing needs to get a lot bigger. And some shoes should fit properly from the beginning, no matter what, such as walking shoes.[9] If the shoe needs too much stretching, either don't purchase it, or purchase a pair a half to one size up, or switch to a better fitting style or brand.

edit Video

This video demonstrates how to use the ice bag method.

 edit TipsStart by stretching a less-costly pair of shoes, while you get the feel for the process. That way, if you overdo it and ruin the shoes, it won't cost you as much.Try on shoes when you are buying them to make sure they fit properly. You might also consider returning the shoes to the retailer and asking them if they can stretch the shoe; this is especially useful where the retailer made a promise that the shoe would "stretch".If a brand warns you that it won't stretch out, heed the warning to find your correct size. It's not just manufacturer's pride but a reality!

edit WarningsPolish leather shoes and boots after using a stretching treatment, to ensure that the leather is softened and maintained. This is especially important if you've used a method that required the addition of water or heat.Take care of your feet first and your shoes second. Hurting feet are a sign that the shoes are not right for you.If you use a shoe stretching spray with your feet, wear old socks because the fluid might make the dye in the shoes bleed a bit.Don't freeze or heat vintage shoes; it might be the last you see of the shoes!Don't heat plastic, PVC, etc., shoes. They are not meant to give and applying heat risks releasing toxic fumes.If you use heat to stretch shoes, be aware that many of the adhesives used in constructing shoes are heat-based.Make sure your shoes won't be ruined if they get a little bit of water on the inside if you use the water in a bag method.

edit Things You'll NeedShoe polish or conditioner to soften and protect shoes after stretchingItems as specified in article

edit Related wikiHowsHow to Choose Comfortable Dress ShoesHow to Break in High Heel ShoesHow to Break in Hardshoes for Irish Step DancingHow to Break in a New Pair of ShoesHow to Break in New Pointe ShoesHow to Add Homemade Ankle Straps to High HeelsHow to Soften Uncomfortable High HeelsHow to Cope when Your Heel Breaks

edit Sources and Citations^ Sian Berry, How to stretch tight shoes, http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2009/aug/23/how-to-stretch-tight-shoes^ Pat Veretto, Stretch shoes that are too tight, http://patveretto.com/blog/2009/04/stretch-shoes-that-are-too-tight.html^ Tipking, Stretch your shoes, http://www.tipking.co.uk/tip/4798.html^ Wisegeek, What is a shoe stretcher?, http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-a-shoe-stretcher.htm^ The Stretching Institute, Choosing the right shoes, http://www.thestretchinghandbook.com/archives/pronation-supination.php^ Netwellness, My feet are two different sizes, http://www.netwellness.org/question.cfm/53487.htm^ The Stretching Institute, Choosing the right shoes, http://www.thestretchinghandbook.com/archives/pronation-supination.php^ Gravity Pope, Shoe Glossary, http://www.gravitypope.com/shoe-glossary^ Mayo Clinic, Walking shoes: Features and fit that keep you moving, http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/walking/HQ00885_DArticles for You to WriteHere is a list of suggested articles that have not yet been written. You can help by researching and writing one of these articles. To get started writing one of these articles, click on the red link of a title below.

How to Make Leather Men's ShoesHow to Choose a Good ShoeHow to Break in New ShoesHow to Dye a Satin DressHow to Stretch High Heels Article Info Featured Article

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October 30, 2010 by Harh017

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1 комментарий:

  1. Wear thick socks and add heat. Get the thickest socks, if you don’t have thick socks, put two or three socks on and Squeeze your feet into the shoes (Leather only) eat the tight area of the shoes using a hairdryer and bend your feet back and forth as much as you can for 20 to 30 seconds.
